• Red Black Trees

    Red-Black Trees! where C++ STL libraries such as set, multiset, and map are implemented using Red-Black Trees as one of many other balanced trees. So a one word to represent the core of Red Black Trees is, balance! A Red Black Tree is not a totally new data structure, it...

  • Hash Tables

    Hash Table is a key-value data structure which stores the data in an associative manner. A Hash Table stores the data as key-value pairs where the key is an output of a defined hash function and the value is the data itself that needs to be stored. The idea of...

  • Stacks & Queues

    All sorts of applications can hold large amount of data for it to function, and storing data in a proper structure helps the applications to run efficiently. Datastructure is how we manage our stored information and more conveniently, operate on it. A certain datastructure is useful for a certain application...

  • The Dunning Kruger Effect

    Someone asks you to rate yourself in a specific skill, you decided to give a good rating score since you feel you’re good at it, but a third person came in and gave a much lower rating score of your skill. You feel offended, maybe angry about this. “How can...

  • Leave your phone

    Long time ago, I attended a session called “Online Presence” where the speaker was talking about how should one be more present on social media using multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on. It was weird to be honest because the guy kept stressing on the fact that...