• I graduated, now what?

    Oh I have waited for this moment for years! Craving for freedom! Waiting to post on Instagram/Facebook my (last first day at uni), (last last day at uni), (last exam at uni), and (third day before last day at uni). Kidding about that last part, we don’t do that, yet....

  • Four Benefits of waking up at 6 AM

    Ever felt the ambition and the eagerness to do or learn a lot of things in parallel but always end up struggling because you don’t have free time? You’re shooting down many goals because of lack of time, or at least that’s what we think it is. With all the...

  • IDEs do hurt, unless...

    One time I stumbled across a colleague of mine who was working on a project, and I always like to ask this traditional question, “What IDE are you using?” or “Which IDE is your favorite?”. To those who don’t know what is an IDE, it is an abbreviation for (Integrated...