Long time ago, I attended a session called “Online Presence” where the speaker was talking about how should one be more present on social media using multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on. It was weird to be honest because the guy kept stressing on the fact that we should keep up-to-date with everything and everyone through social media. But… is that really a sociable behavior? Because I’m one of the young people who stay up late staring at the phone checking out Instagram and Facebook for hours, aaaand that’s pretty much the opposite of it.

Sure, we have to keep up with what’s going on and et cetera. But there has to be a line somewhere, right? Should we be “Online Present” for 2 hours? 4 hours? 8 hours? More? All the time? Because the more we’re plugged in, the less usefulness and more harmfulness it brings to the table, and you end up wasting the whole day unconsciously by just sitting in front of your laptop or your phone.

We spend most of the day checking out other people’s lives while we neglect our own. We forget to enjoy and appreciate what we have. No wonder why so many of us have developed anxiety and depression. That’s a serious issue, we thought we’re just bored out of our minds, but in fact we are a generation with a growing number of anxious/depressed people who would enjoy the company of a phone/laptop rather than be with other people. Without carefulness, being on social media could become a virtual prison where escaping would be so hard because you got used to it. Remember that one time when someone you know disappeared on social media for weeks or even days, comes back and then tells you how amazing it was to be free? Not using his/her phone unless its something urgent.

“It is so good to be free”, is something a person who just left prison would say!

Private life is much better. Its not a necessity to share everything you have or what you’re doing. I admit I have this necessity and trying to abandon it, and its normal if you have it too, just try to enjoy the moment instead of focusing on how to share it. You have or will have a good thing going on, from huge to tiny. Don’t be distracted with your phone all the time because it is tempting. Do something that makes you occupied and forget checking your phone.

We all have personal records (PRs) that we want to achieve at some point, might as well start achieving it. Losing weight can be a PR. Becoming organized can be a PR. Spending more time with family can be a PR. Learn a new language can be a PR. Anything can be a PR. May I offer you a PR?

  • Read! I can't tell you how amazing and more fulfilling it is to read a book. Any book.
  • Play a musical instrument! Oh man it was awesome when I learned how to play Riptide on the guitar!
  • Exercise. Play any sport. Have this moment where you hate yourself for going to the gym. That's a PR right there!
  • Be as adventurous as you can be. Whether its traveling to somewhere, hiking, or even going out for a walk regularly.

Catch up with old friends/colleagues. See what they’ve been up to. Think of yourself and others as a bunch of movies. If you wanna watch a certain movie, you go and watch it, that’s it. If you wanna catch up with someone, you call up and see him/her, that’s it. Weird metaphor I have to admit, but you get my point, don’t use a platform to connect with someone when you can just see that person.

Its obvious that there are pros and cons to it, and I’m not saying that one should delete his/her accounts. All what I’m saying is simply that one should leave the phone and take a break every now and then. You know, unplug.