Lumen | Undergraduate Thesis Project [2016-2017]

A two-part driver assistance application - a distraction detector to notify a driver when they aren't focusing on the road, and a navigation display to help them get where they need to go with the least distraction possible. The distraction detector is a pre-trained neural network deployed on a RaspberryPi 3 equipped with a Pi Camera that monitors the driver through a live video feed. The navigation is a web application that projects directions onto the windshield for the driver to follow.

Developed by a team of 4.

Synchro City [2017]

Embedded Systems Project: A simulation of cars manuevering in a city, detecting obstacles, following certain paths that don't conflict with each other to avoide collision. It won the in-class best embedded systems project award.

Developed by a team of 4.

In-Class Kaggle Competition: TinyImageNet [2017]

Designed a Classifier on top of a pretrained Convolution Neural Network model, trained it and tested its accuracy which gave the 2nd highest rank in class with a validation accuracy of 83.3%.

Kaggle Competition: Intel and MovileODT Cancer Screening [2017]

Participated in Kaggle competition with a colleague on developing a machine learning algorithm that learns to accurately identify a cancerous infection type based on images to help identifying early stages of infection. Team [Amr & Shehab]'s last contribution ranked 24th out of 703.

Developed by a team of 2.

Arm Tracker [2016]

A Computer Vision project where me and a colleague developed an application that tries to find hands/arms using our custom color-space for the skin tone, mask out the background, draw convex envelope around the object, and then tracks its path from the center of that object.

Developed by a team of 2.

Distributed Image Viewer [2016]

A peer-to-peer distributed systems that allows users of different machines in the same network to send encrypted images to each other with a view counter and access privileges. Its core functionality is the following:
  1. Add/Delete/Download/Display embedded Images.
  2. Grant/Revoke Access to users in the database to view certain images with a set number of views allowed.
  3. View Downloaded/Allowed-Access Images' list.

Developed by a team of 4.

Word2Web [2016]

A Perl application that takes a word document (.docx) and parses the main elements to generate the corresponding .HTML and .CSS files!

Developed by a team of 3.

MIPS Pipelined CPU Simulator [2015]

Computer Architecture Project: A Desktop GUI application of a MIPS pipelined CPU with BTB simulator that reads MIPS code and shows the cycle of each instruction (Fetch -> Decode -> Execute -> Data Memory -> Write Back) and the content of registers after each cycle.

Developed by a team of 4.